Saturday, February 4, 2017

How to Freeze Soup, Beans, and Broth

How To Freeze Soup, Beans, and Broth

I am a freezer hoarder. I can admit that here, right?

My freezer is jammed to the gills — and not only with normal things like frozen fruit and chicken sausage, but also with the random bits of food that one tends to collect as a professional food writer and recipe tester. (Witness: several cups of unused rugelach filling, enough frozen whipped cream to last for months, and more Thanksgiving turkey than you need to know about.)

This is all to say that I have learned a trick or two regarding Freezer Tetris and how to maximize space.

Since I had a few batches of pressure cooker beans in urgent need of freezing, I thought I’d share my favorite way to freeze soup, beans in their cooking liquid, and broth to both save space and make my weeknight meal prep a little easier.

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from Simply Recipes

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